Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Issues of Trust : Online Dating

The issues of trust in online relationships are very common especially when it comes to dating online or even just a causal friendship. For example when it comes to online dating people tend to put their best feet forward so as to be able to attract a partner and sometimes that is not who they really are Also some people even go to the lengths of putting a different picture and describe their physically appearance like a character that you would read about in a romance novel. A personal friend of mine had a nasty experience where she met someone online and they were chatting for a while maybe for some weeks and they decide to meet. She told me that she was so disappointed when she met the guy because the picture that she had seen was not the person she was looking at. She said she told him that you look so different from the picture that is on the web. She said his reply was that she looked the same as the online picture she had posted. And she said to him is that not what one does when they are looking to meet people? Then after that encounter she found him again on another dating website with the same name but another picture that was not his face. So this is just an example of what people might face when it comes to online dating. So there should be ways of verifying who people say that they are before investing more into the relationship check out this website for useful tips By Collette

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